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3782次播放 | 03:55外企求职者为何这么多?
重庆星巴克驱赶民警回应来了 涉事员工我都开除了 还要我怎么样?
2199次播放 | 02:29这家外企绝对是公司福利天花板,你的公司有一点赢了他都算我输!
1762次播放 | 01:51外国人常用的“CC”啥意思?
1040次播放 | 02:10一头奶牛都没有,利乐公司赚走中国乳业75%利润
813次播放 | 04:46每项工作都与问题预测、识别、预防和解决有关
As we have seen, there is only one reason any job is ever added to the payroll of a company, and tha
The Building Blocks of Job Offers 工作机会的组成部分
The ability to turn interviews into offers is built from the following components:将面试转化为录用通知的能力由以下部分
Interviewers Hate Interviewing 面试官讨厌面试
这里的面试官不是HRThe person on the other side of the desk is not your adversary; she’s someone who really w
The Reality of Industry Bias 行业偏见的现实
But wait, you say, a computer programmer doesn’t have to know banking: He can pick that up fairly qu
Why Do You Go to Job Interviews? 你为什么去面试?
Headhunters and hiring managers say that many candidates think interviews are about deciding whether
行业偏见,能力和适合性 Industry Bias,Ability and Suitability
The First Secret: Ability and Suitability第一个秘密:能力和适合性Saying, “Hey, I can do this job—give me a shot
How Employers Make Buying Decisions 雇主如何做出录用决定
No employer wakes up in the morning saying, “It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood; I think I’ll
The Solutions to Industry Bias 行业偏见的解决方案
You already have many of the technical, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills of the new job