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军网英文 图集 (2019.09.16-2019.09.20)
原标题:J-10 fighter jet hits ground targets(查看原文)9月16日,陆军第76集团军某合成旅将所属炮兵分队拉至海拔4000多米的雪域高原进行实弹射击考核,锤炼炮兵分
军网英文 图集 (2020.04.27-2020.05.03)
4月16日,武警青海总队执勤支队从严从难组织特战分队开展反恐作战训练,全面锤炼特战队员反恐作战能力。(英文中国军网、英文国防部网/杨浩 摄影报道)原标题:PAP soldiers in counter
军网英文 图集 (2020.04.20-2020.04.26)
军网英文 图集 (2019.10.28-20.11.01)
原标题:Activity celebrating 70th founding anniv. of PLA air force held in Changchun, Jilin(查看原文)原标题:Arm
军网英文 图集 (2023.12.28-2023.12.31)
A guided-missile frigate attached to a destroyer flotilla with the navy under the PLA Southern Theat
军网英文 图集 (2020.04.13-2020.04.19)
14月初,海军航空大学某团开展新《大纲》课目训练,皖中某机场一片繁忙的练兵景象。“Take off!”随着塔台指挥员一声令下,多架战机呼啸升空,海军航空大学某团新《大纲》课目训练迅速拉开战幕。(英文中
军网英文 图集 (2024.04.15-2024.04.21)
Fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade under the air force of the PLA Eastern Theater Command
军网英文 图集 (2024.04.08-2024.04.14)
A fighter jet attached to a brigade under the PLA Air Force Xi'an Flying College fires rockets at mo
军网英文 图集 (2024.03.18-2024.03.24)
Soldiers assigned to a missile battalion of a brigade under the PLA 76th Group Army rush to prepare
军网英文 图集 (2024.03.25-2024.03.31)
Soldiers in ghillie suits assigned to a reconnaissance detachment of a brigade under the PLA 71st Gr
军网英文 图集 (2024.04.29-2024.05.05)
A main battle tank (MBT) attached to a tank detachment of a brigade under the PLA 71st Group Army sp
军网英文 图集 (2020.03.30-2020.04.04)
原标题:Chinese national flag flies at half-mast to mourn for people died in COVID-19 fight(查看原文)近日,火箭军某
军网英文 图集 (2024.05.13-2024.05.19)
A fighter jet attached to an aviation brigade with the air force under the PLA Western Theater Comma
军网英文 图集 (2021.10.30—2021.12.05)
11月9日,海军航空大学某基地开展实战化飞行训练。(英文中国军网、英文国防部网/姜涛 摄影报道)原标题:Flight training course after heavy snowfall(查看原文