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【威武!万吨大驱遵义舰航拍大片】近日,南部战区海军某支队遵义舰位南海某海域组织进行主炮实弹射击训练。戳↓↓一起看万吨大驱高速航行状态,感受遵义舰火力全开迅猛瞬间!(王健 温彬) 转自:中国军号
军网英文 图集 (2024.02.12-2024.02.18)
The guided-missile destroyer Yan'an attached to a destroyer flotilla with the navy under the PLA Sou
军网英文 图集 (2023.12.18-2023.12.23)
A helicopter attached to a unit with the navy under the PLA Northern Theater Command takes off from
军网英文 图集 (2024.08.26-2024.09.01)
The comprehensive supply ship Chaganhu (Hull 967) and the guided-missile frigate Yuncheng (Hull 571)
7月14日,南部战区海军某支队协同兄弟部队开展多课目实战化训练,通过构建逼真战场环境,有力锤炼作战指挥和应急情况处置能力。(作者:胡宇浩 王湃权 吴昊 蔡盛秋 姜鹏)来源:中国军号责编:贾丙乾转自:中
军网英文 图集 (2024.07.15-2024.07.21)
Vessels attached to a flotilla with the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command sail toward the
【掠影!直击海军某支队舰艇编队多科目训练】蹈海踏浪,驰骋海疆。夏日,海军某支队舰艇编队赴某海域开展多科目训练。 “前方发现‘敌舰’……”刚刚抵达训练海域,“敌情”通报传来。各舰快速机动,占领攻击阵位
【大连舰海上训练】近日,南部战区海军某驱逐舰支队大连舰奔赴某海域,围绕防空反导、对海突击等科目展开专攻精练,提升舰艇应对复杂海空情作战水平。奋斗强军新征程 (黄嘉诚 杨云翔 朱雄滔 王健) 转
军网英文 图集 (2024.04.01-2024.04.07)
Warships attached to a destroyer flotilla with the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command sail
军网英文 图集 (2024.10.07-2024.10.13)
A fighter jet attached to an aviation regiment under the Chinese PLA Air Force taxies on the runway
军网英文 图集 (2024.08.05-2024.08.11)
Naval vessels attached to a flotilla of a unit under the PLA Navy conduct replenishment-at-sea durin
军网英文 图集 (2024.09.09-2024.09.15)
Missile frigate Chenzhou (Hull 552) attached to the PLA Southern Theater Command sails in waters in